My Digital Memory Book
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Internet Memories

One of my favorite parts of 3rd grade was when we had free time on the computers every Friday. The school hadn't blocked Club Penguin yet, so we would all join the same server and play the games together. I remember winning against one of my classmates at Sled Racing and him exclaiming "You beat me!" I was also introduced to the magic of Coolmathgames that year. Some of the favorites in my class were Papa's Freezeria and Run 2. I always picked the skater in Run 2. When I learned the name of the website I wrote it down on a scrap of paper and took the paper home with me so I would remember it. On regular days the computers were used for lame stuff like a multiplication table website and AR tests. I was a very advanced reader in elementary school so I was good at AR tests and had a lot of points. I miss elementary school a lot.
Like almost every kid in the late 2000s/early 2010s, I was obsessed with virtual worlds and played all the iconic ones. Club Penguin, Webkinz, Poptropica, Animal Jam, Moshi Monsters, you name it.
My parents would print up Poptropica walkthroughs for me if I was struggling with an island. I learned a lot from that game, specifically how to play mancala and solve that "chicken, fox, and feed" puzzle. When my older sister heard the name of it she thought it was "Pooptropica". I loved reading all the different comic strips that were available on the Daily Pop. My favorite was Big Nate.